Hey you all,
we as fanclub are thinking of making this club official!!!
There for we need to get registered at "the playground music"
Some new things we need to do for this, is to connect our fanclub to one country!!!
Don't worry we will stay a world wide club, but we need one basic where we stared!
This fanclub stared in Belguim, There for where thinking of putting Belguim op
for our country. This will also be the first club here in Belguim that will be for "The Rasmus"
But like we said, we will stay a communtiy where all people can enter and register for!!!
We will do compitions for you all, no matter where you live, we send you the pize you deserved than!
Also news, interviews will be and stay world wide !!!!, so Nothing will chance!!!
The only down point to this all will be to get "meet and greets!" That will than only be for Belguim!!!
But is this it all worth???? Yeah i would be great to be registered and ect... but we adore all our member !!!
And the decision of going world wide is made from the start because, we didn't wanted to left anyone out !!!
Where on big family fanclub! And so many countrys are forgotten !!!! We didn't wanted to make that mistake !!!
So that all made us doub!!
Thats why we ask you guys what to do??? Let us know what you think of the ideé????
and maybe what we can do or not !!!! How you feel about this and ect....
Tell us everything whats comming up in your mind right now, ( about this ideé he)
and we hope to hear from you all !!!!!
Wendy & Biance
The Northern Rasmus Fans